Lacanian sites and texts
- (Richard G. Klein’s site, useful collection of texts and links)
- Groupe de travail Lutecium (substantial collection of texts, mostly in French)
- (links to Lacanian Ink and The Symptom)
- Lacan in Ireland (collected translations and papers by Cormac Gallagher)
- (collection of expository texts)
- New Lacanian School (founded by Jacques-Alain Miller)
- No Subject – Encyclopedia of Lacanian Psychoanalysis
- S: Journal of the Jan Van Eyck Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique
- Umbr(a): A Journal of the Unconscious
- A Bibliography of Lacan in English (, compiled by Richard G. Klein).
- A Bibliography of Lacan in French (
- A Bibliography of Freud in English (list of contents of the Standard Edition)